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Henri J. M. Nouwen

"The Genesee Diary"

Henri J. M. Nouwen was born in Holland in 1932, ordained a Catholic priest in 1957 and died in 1996. He had a doctorate in psychology and taught at Notre Dame, Yale, and Harvard. During his lifetime, he authored over 40 books on spirituality and how to live a more spiritual life.

The Genesee Diary” chronicled Henri’s experiences during a seven months stay at the Abbey of the Genesee. It was a simpler life and was a time of contemplation. Henri went from our hectic world to a much simpler, quieter place at the abbey. No internet, no TV, no e-mail. It enabled him, working with the Monks, to explore issues in his spiritual life in work and in prayer. The book gave another point of view on our world. That without our “conveniences”, we do “ok”, and not having them frees us up to look at life from a different, simpler point of view. If you are looking for a different way to deal with our hectic world and perhaps, explore life a bit differently.
Henri’s diary provides some excellent examples and comes highly recommended.


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