Follow us on Social Media:
Pastor Jessilou Vaccarelli
Mail: PO Box 152 North Greece, NY 14515
Prayer Requests
The following people have been submitted as Prayer Requests.
​We'd ask that you remember them in your prayers.
Please note: each name will remain on the list for 30 days, at which point it will be removed.
Names may be resubmitted at any time.
Updated January 18, 2025
Ann (concern - 1/18)
Dick (concern - 1/4)
Essential Workers
John (concern - 1/18)
Junior (concern - 1/9)
Melody (Concern - 1/10)
People impacted by California Fires
People impacted by Hurricanes and Floods
People of Israel
People of Gaza
People of Lebanon
People of Sudan
People of the Ukraine
Teachers & School Staff
Those Celebrating Years of Sobriety
World Central Kitchen Aid Workers
World Food Supply affected by the war in Ukraine
For Pastoral Support please email Pastor Jessilou Vaccarelli:
Visit Pastor Jessilou Vaccarelli at PGUCC after service on Sunday.
Please enter the first name of the person to be prayed for and use the check boxes to indicate of it is a Joy or Concern.
*Please do not enter any personal or health information for that individual. *
*The confidentiality of that information cannot be guaranteed.*